As a forward-thinking, innovative school, SHFGS has embraced opportunities to support  teaching and learning through technology by becoming a Google school. 

All students have a Chromebook and use the Google Suite of products to ensure that everyone is able to connect, share and access learning from anywhere.  

The GSuite is a central place for collaborating with peers, connecting with teachers, accessing the curriculum (including submitting homework, sharing resources and receiving feedback on their work), and keeping up to date with important notices and school events. 

Everything is stored in the Cloud via Google Drive, so there's no risk of losing any valuable work. 

Parents can also keep up to date on their children's class activities through weekly Guardian Summaries. 

In 2020 we future-proofed the capability of our wifi network with a hyper-reliable, cloud managed wireless solution. The school’s new ExtremeCloud IQ WiFi 6 provides a secure, robust wireless network for our whole school community, with  typically over 3,000 devices successfully connecting to the school’s network every day.

Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Registered Office Address: Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP21 8PE. Company Registration Number: 07657307 The Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Fund is a Registered Charity, number 1068316
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